Process and Transparency

Final Allocation Plan

The following allocation breakdown was approved by the OneOrlando Board on September 26, 2016. The allocation of monies to be distributed are approximate amounts with the precise dollar amounts of each category dependent on the exact number of verified claimants in each category and the final fund total.

Independent Accountant’s Reports on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures (Audit)

Distribution Protocol

The Final Distribution Protocol, which will govern the OneOrlando Fund, has been developed by the Administrators, incorporating feedback from the OneOrlando Board, Equality Florida, the National Center for Victims of Crime/National Compassion Fund, the Orlando Community and the general public, including those present at the Town Hall meetings held by the Administrators on August 4, 2016.

Final Distribution Protocol

Draft Distribution Protocol

Town Hall Meetings

Two town hall meetings have been conducted by the Fund Administrators on August 4, 2016 at the Amway Center in Orlando, FL to explain the contents of the draft Protocol and the claim submission process and to invite input and comments from potential claimants and the general public. Information collected from these group meetings and various communications and correspondence between the claimants and other interested parties and the Fund Administrators was considered in finalizing the Final Protocol.

The meetings took place on August 4, 2016, at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m at the Amway Center. Video of both meetings (in English and Spanish) are posted-  visit the Town Hall Meetings page.

Claim Forms

The claim form deadline has passed. You can still view the forms and requirements on the Claim page

Payments to Victims’ Families and Survivors

The payments from the OneOrlando Fund are to be apportioned to the victims in accordance with the severity of the injuries arising from the Pulse Nightclub Attack. Determination of the amounts for each eligible claimant will depend upon the following:  1) the balance in the OneOrlando Fund prior to distribution; 2) the receipt of updated data regarding the nature and the number of physical injuries, and the number of individuals physically present inside the Pulse Nightclub; 3) completion of the review of all submitted claims; and 4) review and approval by the Administrators.


Proposed timeline based on draft protocol

  • August 4, 2016: Two Town Hall meetings at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. conducted by the Fund Administrators in Orlando, Florida, each lasting for 90 minutes.
  • August 12, 2016: The Final Protocol and Claim Forms disseminated to all known claimants and potential claimants who registered through the Fund website. These documents will be made available on the Fund website for families and all interested parties.
  • August 12 – September 12, 2016: Claim Forms completed and submitted to the Fund Administrators along with the required documentation.
  • September 12, 2016: Deadline for submission of Claim Forms.
  • September 12 – September 25, 2016: All personal meetings requested with the Fund Administrators completed.
  • September 12 – September 26, 2016: All claims reviewed by the Fund Administrators and recommendations for payments to eligible claimants submitted to the OneOrlando Fund Board for independent review and approval.
  • September 27, 2016: Payment Distribution to approved eligible claimants begins on a rolling basis.
  • After October 15, 2016: Independent Audit begins.